Transition based on drop down value

Issue #941 resolved
Bharath B created an issue

Here is the workflow that we use, in the transition from "Release Ready" to "Done". This transition should be based on a drop down field Change Type (Code, Non-code).

1) On the issue when the drop down value "code" is selected then we want a condition in place where anyone who did the transition "Development" to "Test ready" should not be able to do that transition "Release Ready" to "Done" (should be a different person)

2) On the issue when the drop down value is "non-code" anyone can make the transition "Release Ready" to "Done"

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Bkappala,

    You can use "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" in transition "Release Ready" to "Done" using the following boolean expression:

    %{nnnnn} = "Code" IMPLIES %{00020} not in usersWhoTransitioned("Development", "Test ready")

    replacing nnnnn with field code for custom field "Change Type".

    Note that %{00020} is field code for Current user.

    Beware of writing the names of the statuses and the value for Change Type exactly, i.e., respecting the case.

  2. Bharath B reporter

    awesome, also is there a way to make that field Change Type non-editable after the status Test Ready

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Bkappala,

    Please, create a new issue for your second question. I will give you a possible solution, although not ideal.


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