Post-function conditional execution seems to have stopped working

Issue #957 resolved
Gowri Kumar created an issue

The following text parsed in advanced mode will be copied to Fixed versions: earliestUnreleasedVersion() Post-function will only be executed if the following boolean expression is satisfied: %{Resolution} != "Checked In" This feature will be run as user in field Current user.

The Fix Version gets updated even when Resolution = "Checked In". Have I configured it correctly?

I have checked through history of few issues and it was definitely working in the previous version we had (earlier than 2.2.42, sorry, i cannot remember which exactly)

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @gowrik,

    Post-function should not be executed when resolution is "Checked In". Check the following points:

    • There isn't 2 blank spaces between words "Checked" and "In", or at the beginning or end of the name of the resolution.
    • You are respecting exactly the case.

    The following boolean expression which is tolerant to errors in the case and blank spaces at the benign or end of the resolution name:

    trim(%{00028}) !=~ "Checked In"
  2. Gowri Kumar reporter

    Hi @fcarmario ,

    There is just 1 blank space between "Checked" and "in", but your second point was bang on. The 'I' in the 'in' was lower case, while I used upper case. But, as I mentioned this seems to have worked before. But, anyways it works fine now once I changed the case to match. Thanks, Gowri

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