Make a custom field required based on another custom field

Issue #961 resolved
Maggie Gu created an issue


I want to make some custom fields required based on another custom field set to some specific value when creating issues. Is it possible to achieve via JIRA Workflow Toolbox?

Like the add-on "Power Scripts" can do in Make a custom field required based on another custom field

Thanks -Maggie

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @xuegu,

    Yes, it can be done using "Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms" on "Create Issue" transition.

    In boolean expression examples you have some examples related with field values. For example:

    %{00017} in ["Blocker", "Critical", "Major"] IMPLIES (%{00003} != null AND {00012} != null) validates that if Priority is Blocker, Critical or Major then issue must be assigned and Due date must be set.

    %{00003} = Assignee and {00012 = Due date

    You can explain in detail the validation you want to implement and I will give you the exact expression you need to use.

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