How to compare MMYYYY of Resolved date to current date MMYYY

Issue #964 resolved
Stephen Miller created an issue

I need to set up a conditional execution to a post function to only execute if the Current Date MMYYYY is not equal to the Resolved Date MMYYY.

How do I parse out the date parts for comparison?

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @INTX_CM,

    You should use the following boolean expression at parameter Conditional execution in your post-function:

    datePart({00057}, LOCAL) != datePart({00112}, LOCAL)

    where {00057} is field code for Current date and time, and 00112} is field code for Date and time or resolution.

  2. Stephen Miller Account Deactivated reporter

    Fidel, How do I parse the date field codes to only compare Month and Year?

    Thanks. Steve Miller

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @INTX_CM,

    You can use the following boolean expression:

    year({00057}, LOCAL) != year({00112}, LOCAL) OR
    month({00057}, LOCAL) != month({00112}, LOCAL)

    where {00057} is field code for Current date and time, and 00112} is field code for Date and time or resolution.

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