assigning parent ticket at time of create

Issue #969 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue

Hello @fcarmario ,

I want to have the ability to assign the parent ticket to a one user and the 3 sub-tasks to 3 separate users at the time of create. Is that possible?

I have logic in my post-function that's creating 3 sub-tasks via "Create issues and subtasks" and assigning each ticket accordingly but when I add in a separate "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function and default the assignee to a separate user, all 3 sub-tasks get assigned to that parent ticket user instead. It doesn't matter the order of which I have the post-functions, it appears the Copy a parsed text to a field to default the assignee is overriding the logic I have in place for the "Create issues and subtasks"


Thank you,


Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    First of all, I inform you that we have a new support site. I recommend you to begin using the new site, since current one is going to stop admitting new issues in not too long.

    Sorry, but I don't understand your scenario. Please, provide screenshots of "Create issues and subtasks" and "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-functions. If they are in the same transition, please, attach a screenshot with all the post-functions being executed in the transition.

  2. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hi @fcarmario ,

    I've attached a screenshot for your convenience. As you'll see, I've redacted the actual user names. The issue is the 3 subtask being created are being assigned to the user in step 2, and not how I have it configured in the create issues and subtask post-function.

    Regards, Scott Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 10.48.04 AM.png

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Yes, that's the cause of the problem.

    You can prevent the execution of post-function for subtasks using the following boolean condition at parameter "Conditional execution" of post-function jwtcreate "Copy a parsed text to a field":

    %{00041} = null

    where %{00041} is field code for "Parent's issue key".

    When you add that boolean expression in parameter "Conditional execution" in a post-function, the result is that the post-function will only be executed when issue is not a sub-task, i.e., when it has no parent issue.

  4. Scott McDonald reporter

    We will always need the tickets created no matter which values they select from fields so it appears I will have to create a separate workflow for subtasks - correct?


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