Want to track the days since the issue was created

Issue #971 new
Onteddu, Rajesh created an issue

Hello @fcarmario,

Hope you are doing fine, I need your help, please. I want to have a custom field which can display me the number of days from when the issue is been created. This is similar to created date but I just want the value to be in days only. And use this field for querying is it possible to do so. If so could you please share me the method of approach here.

Thank you, Rajesh.

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @ronteddu,

    First of all, I inform you that we have a new support site. I recommend you to begin using the new site, since current one is going to stop admitting new issues in short.

    You can do it using "Calculated Number Field" with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2018-02-01 a las 10.53.07.png


    floor(({00057} - {00009}) / {DAY})

    where {00057} is field code for Current date and time, and {00009} is field code for Date and time of creation.

  2. Onteddu, Rajesh reporter

    Hello @fcarmario,

    Thank you for your reply, I have tried this but let me share what my difficulty here is. I am using a Two Dimensional filter gadget and I don't know why this field is not being populated there. I want to know if this field is supported there. Cal field.PNGCan you help me with it, please.

    Regards, Rajesh.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @ronteddu,

    Sorry, but it's not possible to represent calculated fields on 2 dimensional gadgets, since they only work with fields based on selectable options, like Radio Buttons and Select Lists.

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