Syntax issue with multiple words in 'Set a field as a function of other fields Function'

Issue #980 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello Fidel!

I'm having a problem with values that have more than one word in them in the following rule:

(Ad Hoc Analysis)Ad Hoc Analysis (Report Error / Bug)Report Error / Bug (Ad Hoc Data)Ad Hoc Data (PS Data Tables)PS Data Tables (Report Enhancement)Report Enhancement (New Report)New Report (Process)Process (Report Questions)Report Questions (Data Integrity)Data Integrity

Only 'Process' part is actually working and I assume it's because I need to modify syntax for values with multiple words. However, I've tried all kinds of variations, putting only one or both sides of the rule into "" or '' with no positive outcome.

Examples from JWT Wiki don't mention any special syntax for multiple words values, so I wonder if I'm missing something.

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @amishenin,

    In version 2.2.38 a problem for setting Epic Link with epic names containing spaces was fixed.

    Apparently you shouldn't be affected by the problem you describe, since you have selected 2.2.38 in version field of this issue. Please, double check that you have installed version 2.2.38 or higher.

    Anyway, I recommend you to install the most recent version of the plugin.

    BTW, I inform you that we have a new support site. Please, use it for your future questions and support requests.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    It was 2.2.38 and we've upgraded it to 2.3.2. Everything but one rule is working correctly now. The problem is with the:

    (Report Error / Bug)Report Error / Bug

    I believe '/' confuses the script. Is there any way we can fix that?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @amishenin,

    You should use the following setting rule:

    (Report Error \/ Bug)Report Error / Bug

    Take into consideration that the conditional part of the setting rule is a regular expression. Character \ is used for escaping characters with special meaning in regular expressions.

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    So I've updated the rule with "\" character, but it still doesn't link it with corresponding Epic Link. I also double-checked spelling for both custom field option and Epic Link names, and both are correct. Any ideas why it may still not working? Should it leave any errors in the logs?Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 2.10.26 PM.png

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @amishenin,

    I have reproduced a configuration similar to yours on JIRA 7.7.1 and JWT 2.3.2 and it works as expected.

    Anyway, lets try another regular expression for your setting rule:

    (Report Error.*Bug)Report Error / Bug

    If it doesn't work, please set Target field to New comment and let me know whether you get an automatic comment with Report Error / Bugwhen you select "Report Error / Bug" in field "Correlates With".

  6. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Updated the line to: (Report Error.*Bug)Report Error / Bug

    Doesn't work for Epic Link.

    However, when I've switched back to: (Report Error \/ Bug)Report Error / Bug

    and changed the target field to New comment, it produces "Report Error / Bug" comment without issues.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @amishenin,

    It's strange, because I have tried an Epic called Report Error / Bug it worked perfectly. Please, double check that your epic's name has extra spaces at the beginning, and the end next to / character.

  8. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Thank you so much Fidel, you were right, the problem was in an extra space in the name "Report Error / Bug "

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