How to allow certain groups/users to move the transition base on a value of the field?

Issue #987 new
Chau created an issue

How to allow certain groups/users to move the transition base on a value of the field?

Say I have these states in the workflow: "Submit to QA" ==> "Approve to QA" Also, I have a field in the screen called: "ApplicationName" which has the following values "App1" and "App2"

If "ApplicationName"="App1", is there a way we can dynamically allow Group1 to be able to see the button on the screen and "Approve TO QA"? Similar thing if "ApplicationName="App2"

Comments (1)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @chaunguyen2007,

    First of all, I inform you that we have a new support site. Please, use it for your future questions and support requests.

    You can implement your requirement using a "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" with the following boolean expression:

    %{nnnnn} = "App1" AND isInGroup(%{00020}, "Group 1") OR %{nnnnn} = "App2" AND isInGroup(%{00020}, "Group 2")

    replacing nnnnn field code for "ApplicationName" custom field.

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