How to approve or trasitsion the issue through email?

Issue #988 new
Chau created an issue

How to approve or trasitsion the issue through email?

First of all, we're looking for a way to send out an email to the requestor/approvers (custom group of people) base on the status of the issue.

Say even if we could, when the users get the email, how they do approve or transition the issue from their emails? We were thinking to embbeded the REST URI link in the body of the email to perform the PUT action to JIRA, so if they click on it, the action can approve or transition the issue.

Is that possible???


Comments (1)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @chaunguyen2007,

    First of all, I inform you that we have a new support site. Please, use it for your future questions and support requests.

    You can use "Send an email" post-function for sending the email to all the users in the requestor/approvers group. Of course, you can also include any URI in the email body, but I think that you need the users to login in order to execute an action on JIRA.

    You could use a listener to process the answers to the email, and parse the content for a word like "ACCEPTED" or "APPROVED" and then execute an action it we find any of those words. Unfortunately JWT doesn't provide support for listeners. We are working to support it in an extension for JWT, but it will take some months.

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