Post Function - Create issues and subtasks

Issue #989 new created an issue

Hi Fidel,

hope you are doing well. I have a Problem which I cannot solve:

I Need to create a post function "Create issues and subtasks".

The following Situation is given.: We have several Projects which have the same Suffix , lets say "ORM" in the Project Name, for example:


We want to create in each "ORM" Project the same issue.

Is there any possability to do this in one postfunction?

Thanks and Best Regards

Comments (9)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Team-Jira,

    First of all, I inform you that we have a new support site. Please, use it for your future questions and support requests.

    Do you want to use the suffix of the project current issue belongs to, or it's always ORM suffix?

  2. reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    it is always ORM. The reason for that is that we now have , lets say , 4 Projects with ORM , but in the future 7 and I do not want to edit the post function again. Thats way we are using the Suffix.


  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Team-Jira,

    You should use "Create issues and subtasks" with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2018-04-06 a las 0.41.39.png

    Expression for generating seed strings is:

    filterByPredicate(availableItems(%{nnnnn}), matches(^%, ".*ORM")) 

    replacing nnnnn with field code of a Project Picker (single project) custom field. If you don't have any, you should create one for this purpose. You don't need to add it to any screen of your workflows.

  4. reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    thanks this is partically working for me. Just one Thing: The function matches is now looking in the Project key with .ORM. Is it possible to look in the Project Name with .ORM instead of the key ?

    Thanks alot.

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sorry, currently it's not possible. We can extend the parser to support it. Do you really need it?

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