FIAT needs a unit test framework

Issue #13 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

FIAT has virtually no tests. Expand testing to reach decent level of coverage.

Comments (7)

  1. Jan Blechta

    FIAT has virtually no tests.

    I've already started unit testing framowork (continuing the work of Aslak and Nico). It's in master. After a long time we are also running regression test, see #3. So this has been improved recently.

    Expand testing to reach decent level of coverage.

    I wasn't tough enough in email discussion with Firedrake people to require them to write tests for their additions. I'll try to cover FFC elements being moved to FIAT in future.

  2. Jan Blechta

    FIAT now has a unit test framework, thanks to Aslak, Nico, David, Miklós, Garth, etc.

    Second task is now to write unit tests. Let's not accept new features without tests.

  3. Jan Blechta

    I'm not sure that it needs a guide. Do you think that anybody, who is able to understand a relevant piece of code and contribute there, will not be able to go through the test dir and add something relevant there when asked to do that by an integrator? I think that most important is discipline of developers/integrators not to merge anything without appropriate coverage.

  4. Lawrence Mitchell

    Yes, but it's easier for everyone if the requirement to add tests is spelt out for new contributors. And also it reminds new developers/integrators that they should pay attention to features arriving without tests.

  5. Prof Garth Wells reporter

    I think it could be stated much more clearly and with more detail on the work flow, making pull requests, test framework, etc.

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