Simplified installation instructions

Issue #16 resolved
Anders Logg (Chalmers) created an issue

Add simplified installation instructions (as easy and non-intimidating as possible) to main download page and point to readthedocs page for details.

Make docker more visible as perhaps the recommended way of installing FEniCS.

Comments (5)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    I've created a preliminary docker installation slide for fenics-course that needs to be updated for the final "fenicsproject foo" syntax.

  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Collecting my ideas for fenicsproject script here so they don't get lost on slack:

    Mapping $(pwd)/src:/fencis/home/build/src for dev-env. (see the script attached on slack for suggested solution).

    Add a oneshot 'run' command

    fenicsproject run image

    which doesn't preserve the image between runs. Doesn't need name. (see the script attached on slack for suggested solution).

    Let "/bin/bash -l" be the default command to run, but allow overriding with another commandline argument, we can allow both e.g.:

    fenicsproject run stable
    fenicsproject run stable "python"

    I think Jack described a way to do this on readthedocs.

  3. Anders Logg (Chalmers) reporter

    Mostly fixed but couldn't figure out how to get multiple word commands (like "ls -l") to work.

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