Jupyterhub image

Issue #24 wontfix
Jack Hale created an issue

Some initial discussion with @minrk in pull request #4 shifting to its own issue and will pick off directly from there.

@minrk Jupyterhub is amazing and I really like the things you are doing in OpenDreamKit.

I had no problem with getting Python2 kernels launching within a Python3 Jupyterhub instance. Now, whether we should be teaching Python3 to new users is another matter completely, and that would be a reasonable point to aim for all Python3. But for now, stable is Python2, and will remain that way until at least FEniCS 1.7.0 I think.

I am aware of dockerspawner, and it is a very nice approach for making sure users don't kill off each other's notebooks through idiocy or maliciousness. However, it seems a little tricky to use. I want an image that anyone who wants to teach FEniCS can fire up with just Docker installed.

Are there any alternative approaches that we can do with cgroups or traditional Linux kernel technologies within the container?

Comments (3)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    Can we close this issue? Seems a stretch from where we are now and interest in this seems to have fallen away in view of other developments, e.g. notebook cloud services + conda install.

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