Add 'fenicsproject notebook[-server]' commands

Issue #30 new
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

Just a suggestion: add notebook commands to the fenicsproject script.

fenicsproject notebook stable
fenicsproject notebook-server stable

Probably needs some configuration like port numbers.

Comments (2)

  1. Jack Hale

    fenicsproject notebook now works very nicely for single-user Jupyter notebook sessions.

    Still to work on is a Jupyterhub server version. We have this working, but, for it to be really ready for primetime we need to add things like per-user limits on memory and cpu usage. It would be nice to do this within a single container, rather than the quite complex docker-swarm approach advocated elsewhere.

  2. Prof Garth Wells

    Can this issue be closed?

    I don't think we should worry about JupyterHub. There are notebook cloud services on which FEniCS can now be installed via conda.

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