mshr is not available

Issue #44 resolved
Simon Funke created an issue

It would be nice to also have mshr installed as part of the Docker images.

Comments (6)

  1. Jack Hale

    It's there in the latest version. You can keep the old image with e.g. docker tag Update your image with docker pull

  2. Johannes Ring

    mshr is only installed in the stable image, but you can also install it in dev by running fenics-update mshr. @jackhale - can you remind me why mshr is not installed by default in dev?

  3. Jack Hale

    At the moment, the master version of mshr is compiled in the stable image. The tag mshr-1.6.0 no longer works (bugs and various configuration issues).

    I can add it into dev, I didn't realise it wasn't in there to be honest!

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