Make images compatible with Singularity

Issue #60 resolved
Tormod Landet created an issue

Singularity does not have /home inside the container, so the FEniCS docker images cannot be converted without loss of functionality. It is probably harmless to create the fenics user and put files inside $HOME in the docker container, but this will all be discarded when the container is converted to Singularity

Proof of concept Singularity images (with docker) can be found at

Here FEniCS is installed to /opt and the whole of /opt is chmod a+rwX recursively to allow building FEniCS inside Singularity (started with --writable). The install location must be writable without sudo and not be inside $HOME

The fenics-build scripts with friends should be installed to some location outside $HOME as well

Comments (12)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    @chris_richardson may be able to contribute to this thread - he's made some Singularity images.

  2. Jack Hale

    I'll write some more detailed instructions on this.

    It is possible to keep /home/fenics intact by specifying the -H $HOME:$HOME flag to singularity shell or singularity exec.

    The stable image works perfectly as-is apart from an issue with singularity not having the right library path setup into /usr/local/lib (of all places!). Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH fixes it. I'm not quite sure why this is.

    SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib singularity exec -e stable-current.img /bin/bash -l

    As for compiling a development version with dev-env I also have this working. I don't compile into the container (this is not, in my view, the way singularity devs intended things to work) but into my mounted $HOME directory. With the -H $HOME:$HOME trick above you can use the scripts in /home/fenics no problem.

    singularity exec -e -H $HOME:$HOME dev-env.img /bin/bash -l

    For some reason fenics.env.conf is missing PYTHONPATH so I need to fix this.

  3. Jack Hale

    The below work nicely for me. Comments?


        SINGULARITY_SHELL="/bin/bash -i" \
        singularity shell -e stable-current.img


    SINGULARITY_SHELL="/bin/bash -i" \
        singularity shell -e -H $HOME:$HOME dev-env.img
    export PATH=$FENICS_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export FENICS_PREFIX=$HOME/fenics-install
    export FENICS_SRC_DIR=$HOME/fenics-install/src
    export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/fenics-install/lib/python3.5/site-packages/
    source $FENICS_HOME/fenics.env.conf
  4. Michael

    seeing an issue with the stable container, SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH set, the pull request above not integrated.

    root@<<hostname>>:~# singularity pull docker:// <<hostname>>:/opt/singularity# singularity run /opt/singularity/images/fenics-convert.simg python3 /home/fenics/demo/documented/stokes-iterative/python/ Python 3.5.2 (default, Sep 14 2017, 22:51:06) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. ...

    quit() Connection to <<hostname>> closed by remote host. Connection to <<hostname>> closed.

    At least the host sshd seems to die with one being spawned from the FEniCS container? - see screenshot:


    Running fenics/python interactively from the container works and completes, the same issue as above being triggered when issuing a quit() on the python interpreter.

  5. Tormod Landet reporter

    @mike_ist : Please open a new issue

    @jackhale : I will close this issue now and reopen a new one since time has passed and things have changed

  6. Jack Hale

    @mike_ist Please use the provided script dockerfiles/ to build Singularity-compatible images from the Docker images hosted at

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