Missing attributes collides and collides_entity of BoundingBoxTree object

Issue #69 new
Former user created an issue

Dear Fenics community,

It seems that the methods BoundingBoxTree.collides(point) and BoundingBoxTree.collides_entity(point) are no longer provided in fenics docker version 2018.1.0.

Is there a reason why these methods are no longer provided within the dolfin python interface through pybind11? At least, I assume both methods are still present in the C++ class of BoundingBoxTree.

A minimal example to reproduce the error "AttributeError: 'dolfin.cpp.geometry.BoundingBoxTree' object has no attribute 'collides' " is:

from dolfin import * mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10) point = Point([ 3.5, 0.5]) tree = mesh.bounding_box_tree()

print(tree.compute_collisions(point)) print(tree.compute_closest_entity(point)) print(tree.compute_first_entity_collision(point)) print(tree.collides(point)) print(tree.collides_entity(point))

Kind regards,


Comments (1)

  1. Paul Chern

    I have the same problem!

    I see that in the newest version dolfin.cpp.geometry.BoundingBoxTree only has these attributes: 'compute_collisions', 'compute_entity_collisions', 'compute_first_collision', 'compute_first_entity_collision', 'compute_closest_entity'

    Is there a way I can get a bool value like 'collides_entity' from these methods in python?

    will this be right:

    box = mesh.bounding_box_tree()
    isValid = (box.compute_first_entity_collision(point) != box.compute_first_collision(point))

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