Add Singularity builds

#23 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in jackhale/feature-singularity (pull request #23)

2294a82·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-07-17


This pull request adds Singularity support to the containers. The Singularity file makes some minor modifications on top of the existing Dockerfile-built containers to make them more usable within a Singularity context.

I will sort out the Singularity cloud builds at a later date.

For now, you can build locally with Singularity installed:

cd dockerfiles/ ./

This makes two Singularity image files dev-env/dev-env.img and stable/stable.img.

For dev-env:

cd dev-env/ singularity run -e dev-env.img

Now inside the container:

export FENICS_SRC_DIR=$HOME/fenics/src export FENICS_PREFIX=$HOME/fenics fenics-pull fenics-build source /usr/local/share/fenics.env.conf ipython3

stable image just works without any additional setup:

cd stable/ singularity run -e stable.img

and inside the container:


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