python interface for Cell.get_coordinate_dofs() missing in 2018.1.0

Issue #1037 new
Thomas Hughes created an issue

In version 2018.1.0, the Cell attribute get_coordinate_dofs() is missing from the Python interface.

python3 -c "from dolfin import *; help(Cell)" doesn't show this function, though it's listed in the C++ Cell class.

A fix for this is to add the following lines to dolfin/python/src/mesh.cpp, in the // dolfin::Cell section.

      // Add the missing function get_coordinate_dofs().
      // It has the same signature as get_vertex_coordinates() above, so duplicate that.
      .def("get_coordinate_dofs", [](const dolfin::Cell& self){
          std::vector<double> x;
          return x; }, "Get the coordinates of the dofs in this cell")

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Hughes reporter

    I followed the instructions at the fenics site to add a pull request. I haven't done this before. Couldn't find you in the reviewer search.

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