No constructor defined for UnitDiscMesh

Issue #1066 invalid
Antoine Falaize created an issue

Hi all!

With a previous dolfin version, I used something like the following code to generate a disc mesh:

mesh = dolfin.UnitDiscMesh(comm, 100, 2, 2)

With the code below in dolfin v2018.1.0

import dolfin
comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world
mesh = dolfin.UnitDiscMesh(comm, 100, 2, 2)

I have the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-2-b50ace5105c7>", line 4, in <module>
    mesh = dolfin.UnitDiscMesh(comm, 100, 2, 2)

TypeError: dolfin.cpp.generation.UnitDiscMesh: No constructor defined!

Any tip on using UnitDiscMesh now?

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