Assembly of integrals over interal boundaries messes up DirichletBCs

Issue #1075 new
rambausek created an issue

In forms that contain integral over internal boundaries where also DirichletBCs are applied,
the solution does not agree with the given DirichletBC, when the assembly of matrix, rhs-vector and BCs is
done via assemble_system or some other method relying on SystemAssembler.

Correct solutions are obtained when BCs are applied ‘manually’ after assembly of matrix and vector.

Interestingly, solve work correctly in its form for linear problems, but gives wrong results in the nonlinear format.

While this looks like a quite contrived example in case of scalar-valued problems, it makes perfect sense in
elasticity. Consider for example a face which is displaced in horizontal direction and experiences a traction in
vertical direction.

A (not so) minimal working example is attached.

I observed this behavior for versions 2018.1.0 and 2019.1.0 (older versions not tested).

Comments (2)

  1. Joseph Weston

    I believe that I have encountered a similar problem.

    The MWE that I have is:

    Solve the Poisson equation on a unit square, with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs applied on the top/bottom of the square.

    Let the RHS of the Poisson equation be given by an integral over internal facets, on a line bisecting the square parallel to the x axis.

    Note that this case is slightly different to the OP’s: I apply Dirichlet BCs on external facets, but the RHS consists of an integral over internal facets.

    Nevertheless, I believe the underlying cause to be the same, as different results are obtained when using SystemAssembler (called byassemble_system) or Assembler (called by assemble.

    I observed this issue on version 2019.1.0, but have not tested against other versions.

    What follows is a script that implements the MWE (it seems Bitbucket does not allow commenters to attach files in a way that do not modify the OP):

    # Electrostatics surface charge capacitor test
    # We are going to solve the Poisson equation on a unit square domain $\Omega$, where the charge density is zero everywhere except on a line $\Gamma$ that bisects the square at $y=0.7$.
    # $$
    # \int_\Omega \epsilon_r(x)\nabla u \cdot \nabla v \; dx = \int_\Gamma \rho \; dS
    # $$
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import fenics
    class YSubdomain(fenics.SubDomain):
        def __init__(self, y):
            self.y = float(y)
    class Interface(YSubdomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return fenics.near(x[1], self.y, 1e-6)
    class Region(YSubdomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return x[1] <= self.y
    mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
    top = Interface(y=1.0)
    bottom = Interface(y=0.0)
    interface = Interface(y=0.7)
    lower = Region(y=0.7)
    # NOTE: the bug illustrated in this example does _not_ appear if a "crossed"
    #       mesh is not used. It is, however, present when an unstructured mesh
    #       (e.g. as generated by GMesh) is used.
    mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(10, 10, "crossed")
    subdomains = fenics.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2)
    lower.mark(subdomains, 0)
    facet_subdomains = fenics.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 1)
    bottom.mark(facet_subdomains, 1)
    interface.mark(facet_subdomains, 2)
    top.mark(facet_subdomains, 3)
    # ## Set up problem
    # We are solving the Poisson equation where the only charge is on the line dividing the 2 subdomains.
    # Relative permittivities of regions (unitless)
    eps_a = 15
    eps_b = 25
    # Voltage boundary condition, units: V
    U = 0.0
    # signed number density, units: um^-2
    rho = -1000
    # conversion factor q_e / eps0, units 'V um'
    qe_over_eps0 = 0.01809512817972783  
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    u, v = fenics.TrialFunction(V), fenics.TestFunction(V)
    dx = fenics.Measure("cell", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=subdomains)
    ds = fenics.Measure("interior_facet", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=facet_subdomains)
    # Units 'V^2 um^-2 * um^3' = V^2 um
    a = (
        + eps_a *, fenics.grad(v)) * dx(0)
        + eps_b *, fenics.grad(v)) * dx(1)
    # Units 'um^-2 * V um * V * um^2' = V^2 um
    L = rho * qe_over_eps0 * fenics.avg(v) * ds(2)
    equation = (a == L)
    bcs = [
        fenics.DirichletBC(V, U, facet_subdomains, 1),
        fenics.DirichletBC(V, U, facet_subdomains, 3),
    # ## Define solvers
    # We will assemble the system in 3 different ways to compare:
    # 1. `fenics.assemble_system`
    # 2. `fenics.assemble` followed by `bc.apply` (non-symmetric BC application)
    # 3. `fenics.assemble` followed by `bc.zero_columns` (symmetric BC application, AFAIK)
    def assemble_system(equation, bcs):
        return fenics.assemble_system(equation.lhs, equation.rhs, bcs)
    def assemble_and_apply(equation, bcs):
        A = fenics.assemble(equation.lhs)
        b = fenics.assemble(equation.rhs)
        for bc in bcs:
            bc.apply(A, b)
        return A, b
    def assemble_and_zero_columns(equation, bcs):
        A = fenics.assemble(equation.lhs)
        b = fenics.assemble(equation.rhs)
        # AFAIK this applies the boundary conditions in such a manner that
        # the symmetry of A is preserved.
        for bc in bcs:
            bc.zero_columns(A, b, 1.0)
        return A, b
    def solve(V, equation, bcs, assemble):
        A, b = assemble(equation, bcs)
        solution = fenics.Function(V), solution.vector(), b, "gmres", "ilu")
        return solution
    # ## Solve using different assembly methods
    fenics.parameters["krylov_solver"]["relative_tolerance"] = 1e-9
    sol_assemble_system = solve(V, equation, bcs, assemble_system)
    sol_apply = solve(V, equation, bcs, assemble_and_apply)
    sol_zero_columns = solve(V, equation, bcs, assemble_and_zero_columns)
    # ## Compare solutions
    def evaluate_vectorized(f, xs):
        return [f(x) for x in xs]
    ys = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, 0.7, 700, endpoint=False), np.linspace(0.7, 1.0, 300)])
    xs = np.zeros_like(ys)
    coords = np.array([xs, ys]).T
    plt.plot(ys, evaluate_vectorized(sol_assemble_system, coords), label="assemble_system")
    plt.plot(ys, evaluate_vectorized(sol_apply, coords), "--", label="assemble_and_apply")
    plt.plot(ys, evaluate_vectorized(sol_zero_columns, coords), ":", label="assemble_and_zero_columns")
    plt.xlabel("Y position [um]")
    plt.ylabel("potential [V]")
    # We see that `assemble_and_apply` and `assemble_and_zero_columns` agree with each other, but `assemble_system` produces a different result.
    # The results look even wilder if we set the boundary conditions to be different from 0.

  2. jkrich

    Have either of you made any progress on identifying the cause of this error. Jorgen Dokken linked to this issue from my recently posted question on Discourse. I have found a problem similar to what you have when I use the internal-facet measure dS in an extremely simple form, with assembly using the SystemAssembler.
    Strangely, I only have it on some meshes and not others.

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