Wrong value saved in hdf5 file

Issue #1100 new
Antoine Falaize created an issue

Hello Fenics team;


I ran a simulation (lid driven cavity with inflow/outflow) with dolfin (version 2019.1.0). At each time-step the solution (velocity/pressure) is saved to (i) pvd/vtu file with

file = dolfin.File('filename.pvd')
file << u

and (ii) a hdf5 file with

h5file = dolfin.HDF5File(dolfin.MPI.comm_world, 'filename.h5', 'w')
h5file.write(u, dataname)


When retrieving the solution from the hdf5 file, I get a wrong value at a single point (see attached figures). In all the time-series, the same point is affected, for pressure scalar and velocity vector. For velocity vector, only the first component is affected.


  1. What can be the reason for this behavior?
  2. Since I have uncorrupted values in the vtu files, how to retrieve a point value from a vtu and assign it to the corresponding point in a dolfin.Function?

Best regards;


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