dolfin-convert fails to convert gmsh mesh Edit

Issue #122 invalid
Fabrice Silva created an issue

I have a3D mesh generated with gmsh

$ gmsh test.geo -3 -format msh

that I convert to xml

$ dolfin-convert -i gmsh test.msh test.xml

The test.msh file contains a mesh with nodes on three parallel disks. The test.xml shows weird cells in a cube! The gmsh file is version 2.2 and dolfin is 1.2.0

(Previously reported in Launchpad )

Comments (13)

  1. Fabrice Silva reporter

    I just installed the whole fenics project using dorsal (no STABLE_BUILD, using SNAPSHOTS). The imported mesh still looks odd!

  2. Fabrice Silva reporter

    It is much nicer! What is the equivalent of the command within a python script? I was using

    >>> dolfin.plot(mesh)
  3. Fabrice Silva reporter

    Seems matplotlib maybe faulty here. Importing matplotlib (before or after dolfin) leads to weird mesh

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import dolfin as do
    mesh = do.Mesh('test.xml')
    do.plot(mesh, interactive=True)
  4. Johan Hake

    There are no problems with dolfin-convert so this issue is closed. You can open another issue with a proper title and a script that reproduces your error.

    The code importing matplotlib above works just fine locally on my computer.

  5. Fabrice Silva reporter

    Did importing gtk cause any problem ? Importing matplotlib itself may not be a problem if your backend is not one derived from GTK (gtk, gtkagg, gtkcairo for instance).

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