Compute mesh quality statistics

Issue #129 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

Add support for computing mesh quality measures, with output for 2/3D visualisation and histograms.

This would be really helpful for identifying problems in complicated 3D meshes, and in assessing linear solver performance.

Comments (4)

  1. Prof Garth Wells reporter

    Yes, that a good ingredient.

    I want a function that I can just call on a mesh to get quality statistics.

  2. Johan Hake

    There are different quality measures for 2D and 3D cells. Maybe we should extend TriangleCell/TetrahedronCell with these measures and then add a utility function to output these as histograms (dolfin::Tables) or a CellFunction. On the fly I can come up with:

    • Volume (area in 2D)
    • Dihedral angle (only for tets)
    • Aspect ratio (shortest over longest edge)
    • Radius ratio
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