set_petsc_operators bugs when solving with different operator size

Issue #140 wontfix
Chaffra Affouda created an issue

I found that when I run the same NewtonSolver to solve problems of different jacobian size, petsc gives an error but Epetra and uBLAS work fine. This is my hack to solve it:

void PETScLUSolver::set_operator(const boost::shared_ptr<const GenericLinearOperator> A)
  boost::shared_ptr<const PETScMatrix> B = as_type<const PETScMatrix>(require_matrix(A));
void PETScLUSolver::set_operator(const boost::shared_ptr<const PETScMatrix> A)
  _A = A;

  Mat Amat;
  PetscInt m;
  if (m != _A->size(0)) {

Comments (1)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    This isn't a robust fix in parallel.

    It's appropriate that NewtonSolver throws an error when the system size changes.

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