typo in "assembling.py", function "assemble_system"

Issue #150 invalid
T M created an issue

Looking at assembling.py it seems that the function assemble"gets form as an argument, and then sets dolfin_form inside of the function. In the function assemble_system it gets two arguments: A_form and b_form, which it then sets to A_dolfin_form and b_dolfin_form inside of the function.

I think that someone just copied some of the code from "assemble" into assemble_system and didn't go back and change it. The dolfin_form on line 297 of the file should probably be A_dolfin_form or b_dolfin_form.

Comments (6)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    Which version are you looking at? The reported line number does seem to correspond to the line in the dev version.

  2. T M reporter

    I just downloaded the Mac OS X 10.7 *.dmg file from the FEniCS website … if there is a newer version I probably need to use it.

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