No typemap for adjacent_cells in Facet class

Issue #158 wontfix
Mikael Mortensen created an issue

There function adjacent_cells does not seem to have a working typemap for its argument

adjacent_cells(const std::vector<std::size_t>* facet_orientation)

Any reason why this function uses a pointer to a const std::vector, and not the more common reference by the way?

Comments (15)

  1. Johan Hake

    It would be easy to add. However I would suggest changing the signature to a reference. It looks like the pointer is used because the face_orientations is optionally provided by the mesh. When it is not provided a plain NULL pointer is passed to the Facet::adjacent_cells (see in Assembler.cpp). I think this logic should be handled inside Assembler.cpp instead of passed to adjacent_cells.

  2. Mikael Mortensen reporter

    Next problem - there's no typemap for the return type

    std::pair<const Cell, const Cell>

    Could you please tell me how to implement this Johan:-) Alternatively it could return just the pair of cell-indices? It's only used by the Assembler/OpenMpAssembler.

  3. Johan Hake

    I would suggest return a tuple of two int. Return the passed by value Cell might end up with havoc due to garbage collection. The typemap is a simple one. Just add the following to dolfin/swig/typemaps/std_pair.i:

    %typemap(out) std::pair<const dolfin::Cell, const dolfin::Cell>
      $result = Py_BuildValue("ii", $1.first.index(), $1.second.index());
  4. Mikael Mortensen reporter

    Thanks Johan, that works.

    For the original issue, now at least I think I understand why it was the way it was. A vector pointer must be used for facet_orientation because returns a reference to a vector. And facet_orientation must be declared before is called because we don't know if it exists (see initialization below).

    Currently, my best solution to enable reference in adjacent_cells is to initialize like this (could also use a new std::vector<std::size_t> instead of &null)

      // Old code
      //const std::vector<std::size_t>* facet_orientation = NULL;
      //if ("facet_orientation", D - 1))
      //  facet_orientation = &("facet_orientation", D - 1));
      // New code
      std::vector<std::size_t> null;
      const std::vector<std::size_t>* facet_orientation = &null;
      if ("facet_orientation", D - 1))
        facet_orientation = &("facet_orientation", D - 1));

    and then call like


    Alternatively we could use the old signature and create a new typemap for the vector pointer. Let me know what you think.

  5. Johan Hake

    Could this work:

    std::vector<std::size_t> null;
    const std::vector<std::size_t>& facet_orientation = ("facet_orientation", D - 1) ?"facet_orientation", D - 1) : null;
  6. Johan Hake

    Probably not but it avoids pointers. Your call.

    Btw, I thought we had abandoned using Mesh::data. If facet_orientations was a speedy method returning a vector instead of a not so speedy map lookup, we could just postpone the access of the facet_orientation to the Facet::adjacent_cell method, which would be the natural way to do it as Facet keeps a reference to the Mesh.

  7. Mikael Mortensen reporter

    Apparently there are still two MeshData, facet_orientation and parent_vertex_indices. I haven't really looked at the reasoning behind MeshData, but it's true, Facet keeps a reference to the mesh and a fast lookup of a vector item through that path would seem more natural.

  8. Prof Garth Wells

    Winding this back a step, why do you want to expose Facet::adjacent_cells? A reason to ask is that it will almost certainly be removed or changed once integration over interior facets is supported in parallel. This is planned for DOLFIN 1.4.

    If it must be wrapped, I would prefer to not have it in DOLFIN 1.3 so that interface changes can be more easily made to support interior facet integration in v1.4.

    On MeshData, I have said before that it should only be used for user data. Using it for library data is a confusing and bad design. I'd support any work to move data out of it.

  9. Mikael Mortensen reporter

    Well, it was exposed, but not possible to use. So I thought it should be fixed. I don't really need it, I'm perfectly happy with using facet.entities from the Python side. Then again, I think the method has been there for a while and it makes perfect sense.

    How about I create one overloaded adjacent_cells that take no arguments? This could be exposed to Python and the other with a facet_orientation pointer could be hidden.

  10. Prof Garth Wells

    Leaving this for now as it will probably redundant following some upcoming changes for ghost cells in parallel.

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