Surface flux calculation doesn't compile

Issue #177 invalid
Colin Cotter created an issue

I wanted to compute the RT1 field that has the same fluxes as the centred flux for a P0 finite volume scheme (i.e., a flux reconstruction). This requires to assemble the matrix from the form

\int_{\Gamma} w.n u.n dS, for all w in RT1, and with u in RT1

for the edge space \Gamma. Assembling this form for a sphere mesh fails to compile due to various out of scope variables. I think this is a use case that we didn't check when we did the assembly on manifolds stuff.

Python file and input mesh attached.

Comments (2)

  1. Colin Cotter reporter

    Garth, apologies - I assumed that this was a manifolds specific bug so didn't think to check the other issues.

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