CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH set when searching for Python, causes problems later on

Issue #189 resolved
Chris Richardson created an issue

I've run across a problem with package finding on a HPC system. I acknowledge this may not be a common problem. There is a check for Python around line 300 of CMakeLists.txt:

if ("${_PYTHON_LIB_RESULT}" STREQUAL "0")                                                                                                   
  set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${_PYTHON_LIB_PATH})                                                                                               
# Find Pythons libs                                                                                                                         

Later on, this CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH influences the search for other packages in a negative way (i.e. it looks there first, which may not be the right place). Would it be possible to clear it after finding PythonLibs? e.g.


Or, maybe there is another workaround?

Comments (3)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    It should be ok to remove it - the reason for the Python checks is to get CMake to find compatible Python interpreters and libraries (so it's basically a work-around for a CMake bug).

    You might want to store CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH before the Python tests and then reset it rather than clearing it.

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