bugfix: fix string "Amesos_Klu" to call Amesos Klu solver

Issue #223 resolved
Axel Gerstenberger created an issue


There is a bug in dolfin/la/EpetraLUSolver.cpp, where one can select the Amesos Klu solver (a build-in direct solver). The string in there should be named "Amesos_Klu", but is currently named "Amesos_klu". This results in an error from dolfin that klu is not a vaild solver. After correcting this string with the patch below, Klu can be used as a direct solver in the same way as Umfpack can be used.

Here is the required patch:

diff --git a/dolfin/la/EpetraLUSolver.cpp b/dolfin/la/EpetraLUSolver.cpp
index 368b8f3..e0ba32b 100644
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ std::string EpetraLUSolver::choose_method(std::string method) const
   else if (method == "mumps")
     method = "Amesos_mumps";
   else if (method == "klu")
-    method = "Amesos_klu";
+    method = "Amesos_Klu";

Can this be fixed?

Thanks, Axel

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