PETScLUSolver misses the options_prefix parameter

Issue #264 duplicate
Corrado Maurini created an issue

PETScLUSolver is missing the options_prefix parameter to uniquely identify the options of the underlying PETSc object.

Below the output of info(PETScLUSolver.default_parameters(),True)

petsc_lu_solver       |  type    value          range  access  change
  num_threads           |   int  <unset>             []       0       0
  report                |  bool     true  {true, false}       0       0
  reuse_factorization   |  bool    false  {true, false}       0       0
  same_nonzero_pattern  |  bool    false  {true, false}       0       0
  symmetric             |  bool    false  {true, false}       0       0
  verbose               |  bool    false  {true, false}       0       0

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