linear backend command line options as a field in parameters

Issue #303 resolved
Mike Welland created an issue

Would it be possible to add a field to a solver's set of parameters with command line options you would like to pass it?

I'm using PETSc as my backend and set some parameters globally (via PETScOptions) but when I have two solvers in the same script, I'd like to set parameters individually. The parameters structure has some fields, but I think it would be more efficient/effective to be able to pass a set of options like I would if I were running the solver from the command line.

Comments (9)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    This should be easy - we just need to make it possible to set the PETSc parameter namespace for any PETSc object.

  2. Prof Garth Wells
    • changed milestone to 1.7
    • marked as major

    This is partly fixed in b8a6b2f . A full fix requires a clean up if the logic in the PETSc wrappers, especially for PETScSNESSolver, which will come later.

  3. Prof Garth Wells
    • edited description
    • changed status to resolved

    It's possible now to use the PETSc options database without DOLFIN messing with it, and PETSc objects can have PETSc prefixes attached.

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