quadrature_rule isn't passed through to create_quadrature

Issue #36 resolved
Nico Schlömer created an issue

I'm not sure if this bug belongs in Dolfin or FFC.

When assembling a system with custom quadrature_rule in the form_compiler_parameters, e.g.,

A = assemble(a,                                                            
             form_compiler_parameters={'quadrature_rule': 'canonical',        
                                       'quadrature_degree': 1})


    # Solve the system.                                                         
    solve(a == L,                                                               
          form_compiler_parameters={'quadrature_rule': 'canonical',             
                                    'quadrature_degree': 1},                    
          bcs = bc0)

this parameter doesn't get passed through to where it is used, FFC's create_quadrature. The parameter quadrature_degree does get passed.

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