Importing dolfin takes for ever when huge number of nodes are used on large clusters

Issue #416 closed
Johan Hake created an issue

See this discussion for more details.

Comments (8)

  1. Chris Richardson

    As discussed before, much of the slowness is probably due to the sheer number of files being imported.

    from dolfin import * imports the following number of .py files (on my install).

    5 six
    20 instant
    46 FIAT
    70 dolfin
    146 numpy
    154 ffc
    166 python
    202 ufl
    319 sympy

    Much of this is out of our control, but it might be possible to push down the number of files in ufl - and maybe consider how to get AD without using sympy.

  2. Chris Richardson

    I'm not sure this is really a DOLFIN issue, anyway, but more about using python on HPC. Is it worthwhile keeping it here?

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