Mixed Poisson tests fails with PETSc 64 bit

Issue #432 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

The test test_mixed_poisson_solve in test/unit/python/fem/test_form.py fails with PETSc with 64 bit integers. We need to fix this to get the buildbot green to stop other 64-bit errors that keep creeping in.

Comments (8)

  1. Prof Garth Wells reporter

    As a note, this was not a DOLFIN bug, but a symptom that LU solvers do not necessarily handle zero diagonals (e.g. saddle point problems) well. It seems that some LU solvers switch re-order strategies depending on the integer index type, which can lead to failures for one type that do not appear for another.

    The 'fix' was to find combinations of solver and ordering that 'work' for the DOLFIN tests.

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