Bug in mesh.num_cells()

Issue #439 invalid
Johann Heller created an issue

I think there is a bug in the mesh.num_cells() function, just try:

mesh = UnitCubeMesh(1,1,1)

this gives 6, the right answer would be 12

this only occures for (1,1,1), for all other it seems correct.

Comments (4)

  1. Johann Heller reporter

    If you do


    and hit "c" to show the cell numbering, you can see that the function makes 12 cells

    or am i missing something ?

  2. Prof Garth Wells

    There is no bug in Mesh::num_cells(), but 'c' from the keyboard appears to annotate facet indices, not cells indices, which is inconsistent with the documentation.

    I'll register a separate Issue.

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