Extracting Facet Dofs might lead to wrong results

Issue #448 invalid
Johann Heller created an issue


i think i found a bug that must be somehow related to the dofmap. I have a code, that extracts the dofs in a 3D Nedelec Function Space("N1curl") that belong to a facet for which facet.exterior() is true, hence it must lie on the boundary. If i set the regarding dofs to something ~0 with:

test= Function(V3D)
test.vector()[facet_dofs] = 1

the plot should show a vector that is parallel to the boundary (for Nedelec Elements of first kind), but however it does not. Here my full minimal code:

from dolfin import *

mesh = UnitCubeMesh(3,3,3)
V3D = FunctionSpace(mesh,"N1curl", 1)

cell_number = 0

tdim = mesh.topology().dim()
dofmap = V3D.dofmap()
facet_dofs = [None]*len(dofmap.tabulate_facet_dofs(0))

cell = Cell(mesh,cell_number)
facets = cell.entities(tdim-1)
for local_facet_index, global_facet_index in enumerate(facets):
        if (Facet(mesh,global_facet_index).exterior()):
            local_facet_dofs = dofmap.tabulate_facet_dofs(local_facet_index)
            facet_dofs= dofmap.cell_dofs(cell_number)[local_facet_dofs]

facet_dofs = list(set(facet_dofs))

test= Function(V3D)
test.vector()[facet_dofs] = 1  


It might be aswell an error that comes somehow from the interpolation of the plot (since he interpolates the solution to the nodes/vertices).

I guess the error is not related to Facet.exterior() since i can check if the facet is exterior "manually" by checking for the midpoint (and knowing where the boundary is) and get the same results.

The part with the facet_dofs from cell is taken from: http://fenicsproject.org/qa/2328/is-there-an-analog-of-dofmap-cell_dofs-cell-index-for-facets

Unfortunately i could not further reduce the problem nor figure out, where it really comes from. I apologize in advance if i am simply to stupid and this is not a bug.

Kind regards


Comments (5)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    You can't read too much into the plot because it interpolates, somewhat arbitrarily in some cases, values at vertices.

    To check properly, compute the dof coordinates the dof value at points, and verify that these as as you expect.

  2. Johann Heller reporter

    Thank you for the fast response. I checked with your suggestion and it seems you are correct. If i tabulate the dofs with coordinates i get the expected results. So the unexpected behaviour is only a plot artifact.

    Thanks a lot, that really helped me.

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