Remove homebrewed SWIG code if possible

Issue #450 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

In dolfin/swig/typemaps/primitives.i there are two comments

// A home brewed type check for checking integers
// Needed due to problems with PyInt_Check from python 2.6 and NumPy
// Home brewed versions of the SWIG provided SWIG_AsVal(Type). These are needed
// as long as we need the PyInteger_Check. Whenever Python 2.6 is not supported
// we can scrap them.

about homebrewed wrappers needed in Python 2.6. As 2.7 is now required their removal could simplify the interface code, reduce generated wrapper code and be more robust for 64-bit PetscInt which is tricky to handle, see for instance 8e9ccab, #366, #377.

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