Remove hacks supporting old Eigen when it is bumped to 3.2.5

Issue #468 resolved
Jan Blechta created an issue

When required version of Eigen is bumped to 3.2.5, commit 29f335e2fb411f70ac6dbcb761b52cbe5ad3d9ac which avoid using CG on unsymmetric matrix (which is justifiable there) and swithches to GMRES (or BiCGstab) may be reverted and CG can be used again.

Comments (10)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    Ubuntu 16.04 has Eigen3 version 3.3~beta1-2. Can we bump the required version and close this issue?

  2. Prof Garth Wells

    Closing this issue because Eigen version has been bumped.

    Left some solvers as BiCGSTAB because I'm not sure we can be confident of what preconditioners will do to non-symmetric operator. Should really just make sure operator is symmetric when using CG.

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