Logger::log not only output on root process

Issue #520 resolved
chkahle created an issue



is delegated to


, where -1 is then used as rank of the process in Logger::write.

In this situation the following code fragment from Logger::write

  const bool std_out_all_processes = parameters["std_out_all_processes"];
  if (rank > 0 && !std_out_all_processes && log_level < WARNING)

will never return and in a consequence the later logging will be performed on all processes independent of the parameter std_out_all_processes

Edit: I circumvented this by setting


on all non root processes.

Best regards


Comments (8)

  1. chkahle reporter

    Thanks for the answer. Using MPI::rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) instead of '-1' will fix this problem.

    Anyway the setting of '-1' seems originally be done to indicate that we run serial code and that the output does not need a prefix from which process it stems. Direct after

      const bool std_out_all_processes = parameters["std_out_all_processes"];
      if (rank > 0 && !std_out_all_processes && log_level < WARNING)

    The code proceeds:

      // Prefix with process number if running in parallel
      if (rank >= 0)
        std::stringstream prefix;
        prefix << "Process " << rank << ": ";
        msg = prefix.str() + msg;

    I am sorry for not mentioning this point before. So using MPI::rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD); will always use the prefix. I think one way to circumvent this would be adding the following code at the very beginning of Logger::write(lv,msg,rank)

    if (MPI::size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)==1) rank = -1;

    additionaly to using


    in Logger::log(msg,lv)

    Best regards,


  2. Chris Richardson

    Well, better to say if (MPI::size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) > 1) instead of if (rank >= 0). Anyway, a little more clean-up required. This should make 1.6 release.

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