test_ident_zeros in test_matrix.py is very slow

Issue #529 resolved
Prof Garth Wells created an issue

The test test_ident_zeros in test_matrix.py close to 100 times slower than any of the other tests in the file. It should be made much faster.

Comments (10)

  1. Jan Blechta

    Timings produced with

    python -mpytest test_matrix.py -sv --durations=0

    show that both the setup of the test and the actual test takes 0.04s for each backend. This is totally perfect compared to other tests. There had to be something wrong with a backend. Can you still reproduce the problem, @garth-wells ?

  2. Jan Blechta

    @chris_richardson, could you, please, check what is the timinig with Tpetra?

    cd test/unit/python/la
    python -mpytest test_matrix.py -sv --durations=0
  3. Jan Blechta

    Thanks, Chris. I cannot reproduce the original problem. Can you, @garth-wells ? If not, I will remove the slow mark and close the issue.

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