A duplicate code in MeshEntityIterator and MeshEntityIteratorBase

Issue #535 new
Jan Blechta created an issue

Classes MeshEntityIterator and MeshEntityIteratorBase<T> seem to coexist without any particular relationship between them. Is there some particular (peformance) reason for duplicating the code? @garth, you seem to be author of latter one, 1d5d6b319f53f8e44c054d92e22149163f4925da

Comments (3)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    I don't recall the details (should be on the mailing list somewhere), but there is some dodgy inheritance with MeshEntityIterator and FooIterator that relied on a bunch of classes having identical private data. This caused some problems (again, I can't remember the details).

  2. Anders Logg (Chalmers)

    It could also be related to some iterators that @massing added for the old CGAL intersection code but I don't remember.

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