Storage of point cloud data with values to XDMF not working

Issue #561 resolved
Anders Logg (Chalmers) created an issue

When values are included to point cloud data, the XDMF file seems messed up:

<Grid Name="Point cloud" GridType="Uniform">
  <Topology NumberOfElements="47440" TopologyType="PolyVertex" NodesPerElement="1" />
  <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
    <DataItem Format="HDF" Dimensions="47440 3">point_cloud_25.h5:/Points/coordinates</DataItem>
  <Attribute Name="point_values" AttributeType="Vector" Center="Node">
    <DataItem Format="HDF" Dimensions="47440 1">point_cloud_25.h5:/Points/values</DataItem>

When opened in Paraview, I get messed up vector values when expecting scalars. I'm guessing the AttributeType="Vector" thing is wrong.

Comments (8)

  1. Anders Logg (Chalmers) reporter

    Is there a quick fix for changing the AttributeType?

    The file works fine if I manually edit to Scalar in the .xdmf file but I don't see where the attribute type is set (looking in XDMFFile.cpp).

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