creating _facets.xdmf mesh file

Issue #566 resolved
teresak created an issue

When I create an .xdmf file from an .xml and try to read it back in, for the _facets.xdmf I get the following error.

*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Error:   Unable to read mesh from XDMF/H5 files.
*** Reason:  XML parsing error. XDMF file should contain only one mesh/dataset.
*** Where:   This error was encountered inside XDMFxml.cpp.
*** Process: 0
*** DOLFIN version: 1.6.0dev
*** Git changeset:  5ec6384529c117e06d2a65900e78759ada9761ab
*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Example test code (error created at mesh_facets2):

mesh_facets = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "Sinusoid_facet_region.xml")
File("Sinusoid.xdmf") << mesh
File("Sinusoid_facet_region.xdmf") << mesh_facets
mesh2 = Mesh("Sinusoid.xdmf")
mesh_facets2 = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh2, "Sinusoid_facet_region.xdmf")

Comments (9)

  1. Chris Richardson

    Can you ask this on the Q&A forum ( I think it is more of a question about usage, although maybe there could be a discussion about improving the user interface.

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