Failing dolfin test on iteration numbers

Issue #567 resolved
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

With a fresh install of fenics using with petsc 3.5.3 I still get this test failure:

>               assert niter < 12
E               assert 15 < 12

la/ AssertionError

This error (and some others) have kept most of the dolfin buildbots red for quite a while now and needs to be sorted out. Any ideas? Asserting niter seems to be less than ideally robust.

Comments (5)

  1. Prof Garth Wells

    You can increase 12 a bit, say to 18.

    Checking iteration count is not ideal, but I don't know what a better test would be in this case. The test effectively checks that that the near-nullspace is attached correctly to an AMG preconditioner.

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