"TimeSeries not found" error on sid buildbot

Issue #570 resolved
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

There's a weird error only on the sid buildbot where TimeSeries has not been imported by "from dolfin import *":


This issue is to investigate and make the buildbot work again.

I'm assigning to Johannes as it's most likely an installation problem on the buildbot.

Comments (3)

  1. Johannes Ring

    The problem is that DOLFIN does not pick up HDF5, and because there is no has_hdf5() in the test, the test fails.

    The reason DOLFIN does not find HDF5 is because FindHDF5.cmake in CMake uses h5cc, which is not parallel, to set the HDF5 include directory and libraries. Using -DHDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/h5pcc fixes the problem, and I have added this to the buildbot now.

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