Investigate use of dexy to write documented runnable demos

Issue #629 closed
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

Comments (8)

  1. Lawrence Mitchell

    No, it's just a bidirectional converter. It basically takes rst marked up documents that contains code-blocks and turns everything but the code blocks into comments, so you get a compilable file. The opposite direction also works.

  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs reporter

    So you can edit as rst, convert to py, test and edit as py, convert back to rst, etc? Would it work if the source is split over e.g. a .ufl file, a .h file, and a .cpp file?

  3. Lawrence Mitchell

    Definitely yes to the former. I think possibly yes to the latter. You might have to have makefile rules that know what things live together.

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