Categorize dolfin demos

Issue #632 new
Martin Sandve Alnæs created an issue

We aim to streamline the set of demos in dolfin, in order to maximize feature coverage while minimizing the number of demos such that they are maintainable.


  • Create a skeleton master document which will contain descriptions of the categories and references (hyperlinks) to demos. This should become a page on the documentation web.

  • Categorize existing set of demos by e.g. "linear pde solvers", "nonlinear pde solvers", "stationary pde solvers", "transient pde solvers", "mesh manipulation", "boundary conditions", "file handling", and so on (invent categories as needed).

  • Make a list of existing demos that contribute little new. Open a bitbucket issue suggesting removal of these before doing so, such that other devs can comment.

  • Identify feature sets that are underdocumented. Create new demos to cover these features. Some of these demos may be feature-centric demos instead of full pde solvers, i.e. a file handling demo should just create functions by interpolation instead of solving pdes, and rather show off all file handling features in a minimum of code.

  • While working, identify pain points in the demo toolchain. Notify the development team and eventually suggest solutions.

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