dolfin-convert : bug when creating a 2D boundary in a 3D mesh

Issue #641 new
Florian Kolbl created an issue


I identified a problem when using dolfin-convert on 3D meshes created by gmsh. I created a minimal code to show the problem. Please find attached to this issue the following files: - cube0.geo and .msh: this file describes a simple cube by extrusion, the convertion is getting well. Here only the faces of the cube can be used to described boundaries (no physical meaning at all...) - cube1.geo and .msh: same geometry with an embedded square on a face of the cube, with a physical label to specify a boundary condition on a surface that is attached to a face of the cube. The meshing by gmsh is performed withtout any warning nor error, and a 'gmsh cube1.geo cube1.msh' confirms that the resulting mesh is conform to the description. However when converting it to a xml, there is a systematic error associated to the function "gmsh2xml" and more specifically with the reference to "nodes_as_facets"

This error is blocking for defining boundary conditions in 3D meshes...

Best regards, Florian Kolbl

Comments (2)

  1. Matti Masten

    I'm having this same issue as I try to define 2D regions to use as boundary conditions on my 3D shape--I'm hoping to import the information as a facet function. @fkolbl did you find a solution for this? @anderslogg do you know whether this is an error in my definition of physical surfaces in Gmsh or whether it's a limitation of dolfin-convert?

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