Get rid of Hierarchical::_self

Issue #643 new
Jan Blechta created an issue

Hierarchical::_self is shared ptr constructed in

    /// Constructor
    Hierarchical(T& self) : _self(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(self)) {}

It is only needed for computing Hierarchical::root/leaf_node_shared_ptr(). This can be defined as returning NULL when it should return self. Additionally it can be made private and replaced by either

  • template specialization
shared_ptr<Hierarchical<T>> shared_ptr<Hierarchical<T>>::root/leaf_node() const
  • or just free function
shared_ptr<Hierarchical<T>> leaf/root_node(shared_ptr<Hierarchical<T>>)

Comments (5)

  1. Jan Blechta reporter

    Or maybe using std::enable_shared_from_this and shared_from_this(). (Too bad that shared_from_this() on not-shared-ptr-managed object is undefined behaviour in C++11, being an exception in C++17.)

  2. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    The description of this issue doesn't mention that the current behaviour is dangerous, since e.g.

        std::shared_ptr<T> root_node_shared_ptr()
          std::shared_ptr<T> it = _self;
          for (; it->_parent; it = it->_parent);
          return it;

    will actually return _self if it has no parent, resulting in a user believing a correct shared_ptr is obtained while it's actually a dysfunctional no-deleter variant.

    In fact, looking at how parent/child pointers are set in adapt.cpp:

    template <typename T>
    void set_parent_child(const T& parent, std::shared_ptr<T> child)
      T& _parent = const_cast<T&>(parent);

    all _parent pointers will be no-delete variants. This is not documented in root_node_shared_ptr and can lead to rather unexpected behaviour in user programs. Also this is what you get if you call e.g. f.root_node() in python, meaning the usual coupling of shared_ptr and python refcounting will probably be broken if that's used.

  3. Jan Blechta reporter

    Exactly! What you wrote in the first paragraph is a motivation for this issue. The second paragraph is issue #642 which depends on this one.

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